Wesley Chapel Child Tele PsychiatristWesley Chapel Child Tele Psychiatrist


Child Tele-Psychiatrist

Preetham Grandhi MD

Welcome to the Child Telepsychiatry Practice of

Preetham Grandhi MD

At The

Harrell Family Center For  

Behavioral Wellness

Lakeland Regional Health

Call to make your appointment today

from the comfort of your home


Seeing new patients located anywhere in the state of Florida via Tele-Video conferencing for psychiatric evaluations and medication treatment.

Help your child to acheive their best potential!

All you need is your computer or phone for the visit.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Anxiety Disorders

Autism Spectrum Disorders



Bipolar Disorder

Psychotic Disorders

Tic Disorders

Oppositional Defiant Disorder

Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder

And much more.

Get a 90 minute Initial Evaluation with 30 minute followup appointments.

We want you to feel that we listen and you are not rushed.

Communicate with Dr. Grandhi via the MyChart app.

Seeing ages 6 to 18.

Be seen from the comfort of your own home.