Wesley Chapel Child Tele Psychiatrist


Child Tele-Psychiatrist

Preetham Grandhi MD


Preetham Grandhi MD


Preetham Grandhi, MD, immigrated to the United States from Bangalore, India to pursue a career in Child & Adolescent Psychiatry.  

After his fellowship and graduation in 2001 from the Yale Child Study Center in New Haven, Connecticut, he joined New York City Children’s Center with the Office of Mental Health (OMH) New York State where he was the Inpatient Chief of Service for the younger children’s unit and later the adolescent unit.  In 2019, he moved to Rockland Children’s Psychiatric Center (OMH) and was their first child tele-psychiatrist treating children at their IDT and Day Treatment programs. From November 2020 to November 2021 he was praacticing at Contemporary care as a tele-psychiatrist.

He joined Lakeland Regional Harrrell Family Center for Behavioral Wellness in January 2022 as a child & adolescent tele-psychiatrist.

He is Board Certified in both Adult and Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, and well versed in complex psychopharmacology.

He lives with his family in Wesley Chapel FLorida.

He is the coauthor of

The Turning Point: Conquering Stress with Courage, Clarity and Confidence.

He is the author of the psychological thriller “A Circle Of Souls.” To read what Judge Judy has to say about his book.

Visit www.acircleofsouls.com

To make an appointment to see Dr. Grandhi via video on your computer or phone please call the front desk at 863-687-1222.